Sunday, September 7, 2008

Questions for Wysocki Article

1. Many typefaces were designed with respect to social preferences or broad cultural movements of the time (e.g. sans serif fonts functioning rationally, like a machine p. 7). What sociocultural evolutions have occurred, are beginning to occur or you predict will occur in the 21st century that might spawn a new typeface? How will that typeface reflect the whims, desires, and ambitions of the 21st century?

2. Why do you think that italicizing a word gives it emphasis? Is it simply a learned association, or does the physical appearance of italicization actually generate emphasis? Why should or shouldn't you use italics in a thriller novel? Magazine? Newspaper? Term paper?

3. The article discusses lots of bells and whistles to signify meaning. Different colors, boldface, fonts, sizes, CAPITALIZATION, etc. Obviously the usage and purpose of these modifying agents is situational, but is there a certain standard or mantra that we could follow that maximizes informational transfer in speediest, most accurate, most efficient manner? If so, what standards can we employ? Is less sometimes more, or should we always use lots and lots of "bells and whistles" to aid the reader?

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