So despite the heavy foot traffic and free audience, the Quad is not all milk and honey for advertising and text. For one, it's so saturated with text (chalk) that we're desensitized to ads. Plus, the Quad itself is so big that you need something big to match it. So we knew we had to go big or go home while designing this "Push America" poster. The goal is to make it big enough and lively enough so that people walking on the other side of the Quad can decipher it. Plus, the orange canopy and blue tent beg for attention. This year, we made Camp Out on the Quad shirts as well, although you don't see them in the picture because after a week of wearing the same rag, it don't smell too spunky.
But it's worked. We've drawn the attention of many students and even B. Joseph White, the president of the University. I won't tell you how much he donated, but we're still out there.
i was hit up--but didn't donate. Call me what you will, but I'll just keep calling myself poor as dirt.